Puget Sound Indicator Name
Floodplains habitat restoration
Progress Indicator
Acre (acres)
No Reporter Selected
Contributing Partners
Last Updated
9/14/2023 2:48:27 PM
Related Ongoing Programs
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Acres of floodplain habitat improved through restoration activities

Progress Indicator Chart
Floodplains habitat restoration

No reported data available

Accelerating restoration and acquisition efforts in floodplains is a key strategy for Puget Sound recovery. Floodplains provide invaluable ecosystem services including critical habitat for many plants and animals including Pacific salmon, protection from damaging floods, and improvements to water quality. They also support human health and well-being through recreational opportunities and economically valuable farmlands. Climate change and population growth and development pressure continue to modify floodplains. 

This Progress Indicator tracks the cumulative acreage protected and restored by funded, in-progress, and completed Lead Entity restoration projects across Puget Sound. Lead entities are local, citizen-based, organizations that coordinate salmon recovery efforts in their local watersheds. Lead entities work with local and state agencies, tribes, citizens, and other community groups to ensure that salmon recovery actions, including habitat restoration efforts, are implemented. 

The data collected for this Progress Indicator illustrate progress in accelerating funding and implementation of floodplain restoration projects. 

This Progress Indicator is in development. 


Key Progress Indicator Results

This Progress Indicator is in development. 

Monitoring Program

Puget Sound Lead Entities

Data Source

Project lists as reported in Salmon Recovery Portal that include metrics with estimated acreages for a range of restoration activities across projects. These acreages are summed to quantify total acres improved in floodplain areas through restoration. 

Critical Definitions

Floodplain: the approximate historic geomorphic extent of area adjacent to non-tidal freshwater river and stream systems (Puget Sound Partnership 2022, for Recreation and Conservation Office's PRISM database). 

Interpretation of Results

No datasets uploaded.

Reporting Guidance
Reporting Instructions

No Subcategories for this Puget Sound Indicator.